5 Tips To Stay Healthy For Gigging Musicians

Article by: Pattie Lin
VQS Advice Blog

Learn to stay healthy as a musician when working

guitar walking road woman

We are artists, creative and technical. We love to create, perform, and share it with the world. Wanna do what you love to do for the rest of your life? Your health is one of the most important assets that money can’t buy.

1. How Healthy is Your Sleep Habits?


Whether small gigs or big tours, It’s easy to overbook your schedule when you’re on the road. There’s sound checks, rehearsals, the actual shows, meetings and reunions… If you don’t build time for sleep into your schedule, chances are you won’t get it. A good night’s rest has been proven to enhance physical and mental performance, plus tons of health benefits. Your body can take weeks to catch up on sleep deprivation and you and I both know that time is scarce.

2. What’s the One Thing That Fuels You?

Water is the most important substance for all of your bodily functions, and it’s easy to forget. Why risk straining your vocal cords or feeling cloudy from dehydration. Our bodies  can probably push through it for a while but we’ll pay for it later. And by the way, caffeine and alcohol don’t count.  8-12 glasses of water can keep the doctor away.

3. How to Maximize Your Energy

silhouette of man walking on the field
Photo by Aleksei Andreev on Pexels.com

Invest in a rolling cart or small dolly. Depending on your budget, you might be personally responsible for transporting your gear from venue to venue. There are plenty out in the market ranging from $20-$100, or more. Anything you can use to make your life easier, do it. The last thing you want is your show being cancelled because you got hurt. Make safety your priority when you’re out in world.

4. Learn to Clear Your Mind

three woman doing an exercises
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Dedicate 15 minutes each day to loosen your joints and muscles, from head to toe. You will change your life forever. When you perform, you are doing the same movements in the same positions over and over and over again. It’s important to relieve the tension in your body to prevent overuse injuries that could end your career. Don’t wait until you’re hurting to try to repair the damage! Write this one on your morning schedule everyday.

5. Learn to Fight the Good Fight

Mental health is just as important as physical health. It’s normal to have nerves sometimes, and being detail-oriented can be what makes you an exceptional artist but when the time comes, let go. Don’t overkill rehearsal and drain yourself. Embrace who you are as a person. Trust your preparation and know that you are ready to shine.

Article by: Pattie Lin

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