How To Stay Productive During The Quarantine

Article by Amanda Lauren
It’s a chaotic time in the world. The imminent spread of coronavirus has instilled fear, panic, stress, and uncertainty into the minds of citizens across the globe. While the narrative around the coronavirus has been filled with gloomy, adverse media coverage; we, as creators, can use time in quarantine as a positive way to proactively double-down on our goals and spread light. Here’s our:

5 Ways To Stay Productive During The Quarantine

    1. Self-Reflect:
      Be still. Brainstorm, mediate, pray, and reflect on what is and what’s to come for you. Use the allotted time given to ponder your deepest desires. To ruminate over your ultimate dreams and goals as a musician, artist, and creative.
    2. Make an Action Plan for Creativity
      Jot it down. Write it out. Whether you want to create live videos, record/ write songs, learn a new instrument, upload videos to multiple social media platforms, ect. Whatever it may be, use this time to double up on items and tasks on your plan. However, I say the aforementioned with great caution. Do NOT burn yourself out. Be realistic when creating a plan. Trying to learn 5 songs on piano in one day may be a bit overwhelming. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. Great things take time. Try and find items on your action plan where you can work smarter not harder.
    3. Create A Timeline
      Be intentional and mindful. You know yourself better than anyone on the planet. Think of a timeline that is feasible for your lifestyle and maybe even find an accountability buddy to help you stick to it.
    4. Input Plan Into A Work Management Platform
      I find it easier to follow through with plans if I have a notification sent to my phone or computer. Once it’s set in stone, I personally feel accountable for doing it. My favorite platforms are Google Calendars and Asana. Google is definitely the simpler route; however, Asana is best if you are looking for something streamlined when creating multiple projects. These particular platforms are helpful reminders and an excellent catalyst to keep you on track with your plan.
    5. Lights, Camera, ACTION!
      There is no better time than now to create, innovate, build and inspire. Time is of the essence and the time is now. This is a pivotal moment in the history of the world. Because of the detrimental virus, the entire world is suffering. The sudden economic shift has warranted several industries to fail causing job scarcity/loss. People are ill, isolated, physically/mentally exhausted and fearful. We, creators, artists, and musicians– are natural born healers. And now, more than ever, people need you and your gift. As Creators, I urge you to step up, stand out, and illuminate. The world needs what you bring to the table! Use this quarantine to send hope, love and light through your abundance of abilities. 
Lastly, I pose these questions: How will you use quarantine to double-down on your goals? How will you use this time in quarantine to use your gifts to be of service to others? I’d love to hear from you!
Article by Amanda Lauren
How To Face Uncertainty Today

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